[livecode] CFP : 2017 LIVE workshop _at_ SPLASH con

From: Sang Won Lee <sangwonlee717_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 19:45:42 +0200 (CEST)

Call for Papers

LIVE 2017 aims to bring together people who are interested in live programming. Live programming systems abandon the traditional edit-compile-run cycle in favor of fluid user experiences that encourage powerful new ways of “thinking to code” and enable programmers to see and understand their program executions. Programming today requires much mental effort with broken stuttering feedback loops: programmers carefully plan their abstractions, simulating program execution in their heads; the computer is merely a receptacle for the resulting code with a means of executing that code. Live programming aims to create a tighter more fluid feedback loop between the programmer and computer, allowing the computer to augment more of the programming process by, for example, allowing programmers to progressively mine abstractions from concrete examples and providing continuous feedback about how their code will execute. Meanwhile, under the radar of the PL community at large, a nascent
 ty has formed around the related idea of “live coding”—live audiovisual performances which use computers and algorithms as instruments and include live audiences in their programming experiences.

Important Dates AoE (UTC-12h)
- Tue 1 Aug 2017 Submission Deadline
- Fri 1 Sep 2017 Notifications of Acceptance

We encourage short research papers, position papers, web essays, tool demonstrations (as videos), and performance proposals in areas such as:
Recent work in REPLs, language environments, code playgrounds, and interactive notebooks.

- Live visual programming.
- Programming by example.
- Programming tools for creative experiences and interactive audiovisual performances.
- Live programming as a learning aid.
- Fluid debugging experiences
- Language design in support of the above.

Submissions will go through EasyChair _at_ https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=live17. The workshop is open to various kinds of media: you can write a traditional short paper (PDF), a web essay with embedded videos, a narrated video, or whatever else you think can explain your work best! Content should be consumable in 30 minutes to an hour of casual reader’s time, which means around 5-10 pages for a paper, a video from 10-20 minutes (assuming the viewer would need to pause to contemplate), and essays of around a few pages length. Video and non-paper submissions can by listed as URLs (e.g. to a web page, file locker, or streaming site) in the submission’s abstract.

Any questions or trouble with submitting, please contact sean.mcdirmid_at_ycr.org. This CFP is hosted _at_ http://2017.splashcon.org/track/live-2017#Call-for-Papers.

Read the whole topic here: livecode:
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Received on Tue May 23 2017 - 17:41:02 BST

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