[livecode] Programming one's future self

From: Jeffrey Brown <jeffbrown.the_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:04:56 -0800

I realized last week that I could record vocal instructions to myself while
improvising on keyboards, to make it easier to overdub a second track. I've
only tried it a few times so far, but I thought the results might already
be of interest here.


First I recorded keyboards and vocals. In the vocals I tried to announce
upcoming changes, with enough of a lead that I would be able to respond in
time when overdubbing. I reviewed, and discovered they were generally too
late (often I could only name the change after it had happened), so I
pulled the entire vocals track forward something like 1.5 seconds.

Most statements in that first vocals track consisted of an integer to
indicate where the next root lies relative to the previous, in halfsteps,
followed by an optional scale name. I did not have to announce every
change, though, because if I repeated a recent earlier idea with enough
similarity, the MIDI piano roll made the correspondence obvious.

On review I added a second vocals track with higher-level observations and
suggestions, such as "higher energy" or "this theme sounds like it's going
away but it's not". The first vocals track mostly helped me stay in key;
the second mostly helped me find an appropriate mood.

Next I added guitar.

Last I edited the result, by making a few brief deletions and one huge one.
I discarded the first half or so of the recording, because both finding a
groove in the first track and becoming comfortable in the second take a

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