[livecode] CMJ special issue on Live Coding

From: alex <alex_at_lurk.org>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 13:14:02 +0100

Hi all,

I have the happy news that Nick Collins, Julian Rohrhuber and myself
are at an advanced stage of discussion with the editors of the
Computer Music Journal about a special issue on live coding. All
being well, the issue would come out Spring 2014, marking the tenth
anniversary of TOPLAP, but to allow for peer review and so on, the
deadline for submissions would be around January 2013.

Here is our current list of indicative topics for the call:

- Programming as a new form of musical exploration
- Embodiment and linguistic abstraction
- Symbology in music interaction
- Uniting liveness and abstraction in live music
- Bricolage programming in music composition
- Human Computer Interaction study of live coding
- The psychology of computer music programming
- Measuring live coding and metrics for live performance
- The live coding audience, or live coding without audience
- Visual programming environments for music
- Alternative models of computation in music
- Representing time in interactive programming
- Representing and manipulating history in live performance
- Freedoms, constraints and affordances in live coding environments

This will only be presented as an indicative list, but if there are
major omissions please let us know. Hopefully the official call for
contributions will be ready soon.

Best wishes,


Received on Wed Apr 11 2012 - 12:14:58 BST

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