[livecode] more great videos

From: alex <alex_at_lurk.org>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 12:11:07 +0000

Hi all,

A video on live programming[1] with overtone by Sam Aaron:

A video on 'inventing on principle' by Bret Victor:

Bret Victor is a really great speaker, with a strong philosophical
message, and has some really lovely demos of live coding with

He goes through a list of 'creative coding' environments, but he
doesn't mention any of the existing live coding systems. Also he
doesn't mention live coding, on-the-fly coding or live programming.
None of the other ideas he shows are completely new, for example field
has time scrubbing, Conal Eliot among others has looked at tangible
values, although to give him proper credit he has put these ideas
together in a really nice way. Either he doesn't know about fluxus,
impromptu, field, pure-data, max, supercollider, chuck, etc or he's
choosing to ignore them. Either way, he's missing some important
historical and contemporary references, and so seems to be claiming
the idea of interactive programming for himself.

The "music as data" thing from last year was a case of wilfully
misrepresenting existing live coding systems to push a rather
simplistic live coding implementation. It got massive coverage.

Sam is also a fantastic speaker (apparently he got a wild ovation at
the end of the video that got cut off), but as he goes properly tips
his hat to other live coders and live coding systems, so while showing
big love for his system, people realise that there is a wider

I wonder if we could do more of that, make clear that there is an arts
research lead live coding community. I think this is important, to
establish live coding as coming from music and the arts, so we can
continue to push it in wilder directions, rather than find ourselves
pulled into contributing to software industry paradigms.

I've got a bit of time to work on promoting live coding as arts
research -- what would be best to spend this time on? I thought
making a community-run blog would work well, having a properly updated
feed of development, events and videos. It's always frustrating
looking at the list of events etc in the wiki, which looks like we've
been dormant for years...


[1] Sam much prefers the term "live programming" to "live coding", as
"coding" implies obfuscation

Received on Tue Feb 21 2012 - 12:11:54 GMT

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