[livecode] London Hackspace: Spacewarming Party in Shoreditch This Coming Sunday

From: <martin_at_dekstop.de>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 02:45:20 +0200 (CEST)


The London Hackspace is a non-profit, community-run hacker space in
central London; we provide a space where people who make things can come
to share tools and knowledge. As you may have heard we've just signed the
lease on our new workshop in Shoreditch, spitting distance from Hoxton
station (and about 10mins from Old Street).

To celebrate we're having a party/open evening on the 1st of August. This
is a great chance for everyone to have a look at the space and to get to
know like-minded hackers/makers/artists with similar or completely
different interests, discuss projects and techniques, or generally just
hang out and have a beer. Come along, and bring friends!

Sunday 1 August, from 2pm until late.
Come around 6pm if you don't plan to stay long.

Unit 24, Cremer Business Centre
37 Cremer Street
London E2 8HD

Info page:

Facebook event:

If you're potentially interested in using the space for workshops or
performances send an email to martin_at_dekstop.de and I'll introduce you to
the appropriate people; or just show up on Sunday and ask around.

If you're simply looking for a place to work on your own projects you can
always attend our public weekly nights on Tuesdays, or become a member and
get 24/7 access.

We now finally have enough room for larger machines, which means in the
near future this list will keep growing:

Just having moved to a bigger space we're now short of monthly income to
cover the rent in the new space, so if you like it we hope you'll become a
member :)

Received on Thu Jul 29 2010 - 00:46:02 BST

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