Re: [livecode] live coding and free software - feedback rqrd

From: nescivi <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:11:07 -0400

On Thursday 03 April 2008 11:47:25 Marcel Wierckx wrote:
> On 3 Apr 2008, at 5:13 PM, nescivi wrote:
> > Isn't performance all about deceit?
> whoa - you'll have to explain what you mean by that...

As a performer inevitably you take on another role than the one you have in
everyday life, which is a form of deceit.

In performance the performer always tries to lead the audience away from the
everyday world into the world of the performer, thus in a way misleading the
audience member, hence deceiving...
A good performance is usually marked by the fact that it seems to take almost
no effort on the part of the performer, rather than the lot, that it actually
takes to make it seem it doesn't.

A good example is one of the rules of improvisation: "if you make a mistake,
make it twice", thus deceiving the audience that the "mistake" was actually

And it is exactly this aspect of performance, which may have led the many
laptop artists [1] to fake a performance due to technical problems, since
they did not want to break the spell of showtime and break the expectance of
the audience to be led into another world, to be deceived.


[1] As a side note: at least some of the livecoders on this list, started
doing so, since they found themselves too often in the situation where they
did not have enough time to finish creating a piece before the performance,
so they decided to make that the performance itself.
Received on Thu Apr 03 2008 - 16:13:01 BST

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