Re: [livecode] full slate live coding

From: Sylvain <>
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 19:50:34 +0200

Hi Nick,

Nick Collins a écrit :
> here's a little something which Andrew, Andrew and I were discussing
> over dinner this week.
> Rather than starting from a blank slate, you could begin with as much
> code as you're ever going to write. Then your task is to gradually
> delete instructions (like a game of jenga?).
ITAWT, and btw I was discussing of this with Julian (and maybe andrew
... ) in Sheffield which is made possible more easily with this history
'timemachine' Julian presented.
More Deeply, I think this scope allows from escaping from the
conventional compositional practice that builds songs like layers over
layers and puts climax at its end ...
> Perhaps you'd deconstruct, perhaps you'd destroy and subvert. But you
> might end the set by deleting the last consequential command and thus
> bring visualisation, audio or vibrotactile olfactoriness to an end.
> This can of course dovetail with blank slate coding, indeed, the two
> can go in waves. Perhaps a timer controls the process and participants
> first build up, then down, swapping the hot seat.
> A breakpoint envelope/control function might determine swap times and
> changes being creation and destruction. A up B down, B up, A down
> might form one variant. And so forth...
> Plus, all the participants would wear waistcoats and stroke their
> chins as their opponent moved matters to tricky positions.
I don't really know if I understood your exemple very well, but here is
another idea (which I hope corroborate yours)
You can also imagine a chessboard reprensenting 16 processes for two
players, like this : Rook = bass drum, Knight = Snare, Bishop = Hi-Hat,
Queen = Melody, King = On/Off, Pawns = Polyphony
So, anytime you move a piece, a process begin (according to the
polyphony determined by pawns), then the X/Y place of the piece could be
the pitch and bpm. Anytime you eat a piece you gain either polyphony or
a defined synth, etc .. (I think you got the point to build up new rules)
Then the time swaps you are talking about would be determined by each turn.
And, of course, this can be visualized with Fluxus ;D

My two cents

Received on Sun Sep 02 2007 - 17:51:37 BST

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