Re: [livecode] Workshops at LOSS Livecode

From: Julian Rohrhuber <>
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:10:00 +0200

> > Hi Dave and all,
>> I can definately give the Fluxus a whirl and see how easy / what
>> dependencies it requires. If it seems like a complete nightmare to install
>> on all of our different machines then Pure:Dyne would be good idea-
>> tried to get Aymeric to come but he will be on a Basque holiday which is a
>> shame.
>Email me offlist for help with that, it would be great to have it
>installed. Pure:Dyne was my initial thinking as the easiest route - I'm
>going to bring some CD's for people with their own machines anyway.
>> I am not sure how many beginners we will have. My instincts are that the
>> audience will be more knowledgeable.
>Well, if we are teaching _live coding_ per se, my fluxus scheme livecoding
>is extremely simple, trying to get the most visually from the absolute
>mimimum code - so it might/should be suitable for beginners anyway.
>Julian - you've done a lot of this sort of thing before haven't you?
>what's your current thinking?

I've found that live coding is very suitable for learning. We should
not make such a strong difference between beginners and experts,
anyway we don't know each other's systems so well, so there is a lot
to look at anyway.

>Andrew, I'm still interested in sharing the scheme stuff - maybe we could
>do something system agnostic at the start on the wonders of scheme live
>coding, and then dive into the music/graphics afterwards...

Received on Sat Jun 16 2007 - 13:05:30 BST

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