[livecode] Live Coding Practice

From: Nick Collins <nc272_at_cam.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 18:41:47 +0100

Fredrik and I have become convinced that we actually need to do some live
coding practice every day like diligent instrumentalists. We have decided
to do one session a day of dedicated practice for the month of August.
SuperCollider will be our language platform. In order to force ourselves to
do the hard work, and to make it accessible to those who might be curious
or not believe us, and we will post our text files and any comments in a
live coding blog via the TOPLAP wiki and SuperCollider swiki:


At the end of the month we might release audio of our favourite bits.

(I've also added some draft practice exercise ideas and linked to the
coding grades)

I'm curious to see if we will be any better after a month? Personally, my
first three aren't very good, and I got hung up on some technical
explorations rather than production. Must do better.

If anyone wants to join in the challenge feel free!

/f0 and Click Nilson
Received on Thu Aug 03 2006 - 17:41:42 BST

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