Re: [livecode] live algorithms

From: <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 08:42:51 -0600

hi nick,
can you tell more about this organisation? who's in charge and what are your
goals. papers, meetings, concerts, installations, software, sharing knowledge?

it sounds remarkably similar to what me and mark d'inverno are doing at univ. of
westminster... at least what we started out doing. the idea was to create a
multi-agent band. small [software]modules that can be creative and play
together - with or without humans. humans would be on equal terms with the
agents ie not in global control but rather taking care of a small parts of the
music. for example a person could be in charge of the bass. agents would play
along and inspire, compete or totally change the course of the music.
eg "it has been too quiet for too long - let's add myself to the mix and play a
pattern i heard a minute ago" thinks the hihat.
or "this kind of rhythm i really like - i'll join in" thinks the dubdelay
or "stab horn section hasn't played at all tonight - come on guys, trigger!"
says the conductor agent.

i think a system like this would be perfect for live coding. coding and
controlling a bass or an effect unit is enough of a task to do live - at least
for me. agents would listen and join in to create an interesting whole.

we've abandoned this for now. too little time for such a complex system. but i
still feel this is a road i want to walk down later. coding small and personal
agents to support the act of live coding.


>suddenly I feel torn between camps
>--On Thursday, November 4, 2004 12:54 pm +0000 alex <> wrote:
>>It's the anti-toplap!
>>Anyone up for a live coding stage invasion?

Received on Wed Nov 10 2004 - 14:43:05 GMT

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