[livecode] toplap

From: alex <alex_at_slab.org>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 11:29:13 +0100

Ge said:
> If that is true, then why do we (toplap) exist? =)

To temporarily promote live programming of algorithms :)

> I understand your skepticism, but I like to believe and sincerely
> hope that reading and understanding the code CAN truly enhance the
> musical experience (you do too, I am sure) - at least in the same way
> of watching/appreciating performances of traditional musical
> instruments.

I don't think that's a fair comparison - you can't read or understand a
traditional musical instrument.

> Pair this with concurrency, and it allows you to follow parallel
> flows

I don't think it's possible for my brain to do that!

> One of our goals is to make code a live instrument by conveying
> the intent of the musician to the audience, and to give the audience
> an opportunity to appreciate the process of realizing that intent.

The code does not relay the musician's intent any more or less than the
music does. With a little difficulty, I might be able to read and
understand what your code does, but I can only guess the intention
behind writing it that way.

Surely programs codify actions, and not intentions?

If the musician wants to reveal why they made the music a certain way,
then they can release composition notes, or give a lecture after the
performance, or put endless explanatory notes in the code in the form of
comments and verbose variable names. I do see great value in musicians
talking about their music, but I don't think it is best to keep the
explanations separate from the music itself.

> It is this lack of perceivable intent that really make most computer
> music utterly meaningless in live performance.

Where is the perceivable intent in someone playing the trumpet?

> We don't know if the performer succeeds in his/her gestures at any
> level because we don't know what those gestures are.
> The ability to understand and appreciate code is central because
> code is our gesture. I believe we must try to get this part right.

Ah, "gesture" is a better word than "intent," I think I understand and
sympathise with your position better now. However, if code is your
gesture, then aren't you only making sounds to help people understand
the source code behind it?

I prefer to think of code being a proxy for gesture, and not the gesture

Received on Fri Oct 22 2004 - 09:29:17 BST

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