[livecode] choon on eu-gene

From: alex <alex_at_state51.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 10:46:25 +0100

attached mail follows:

After the post of alex' live algorithmic music exploits on slashdot, it got
noticed by the mostly interesting, even if a bit misty weblog
lambda.the.ultimate [+], and there was mentionned a sort-of-funny language
called 'choon' [++]:

<< Choon is an esoteric programming language.

Its special features are:
. Output is in the form of music - a wav file in the reference interpreter
. There are no variables or alterable storage as such
. It is Turing complete

Choon's output is music - you can listen to it. And Choon gets away without
having any conventional variable storage by being able to access any note that
has been played on its output. One feature of musical performance is that once
you have played a note then that's it, it's gone, you can't change it. And
it's the same in Choon. Every value is a musical note, and every time a value
is encountered in a Choon program it is played immediately on the output. >>

[+] http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/
[++] http://www.stephensykes.com/choon/choon.html

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Received on Sat Sep 04 2004 - 09:47:22 BST

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