Re: [livecode] happy new year (was: embedding languages/parsers)

From: alex <>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 18:09:23 +0000

On 31 December 2011 16:41, thor <> wrote:
> Happy last day of the year! May the next be as amazing for live coding
> as this has been.

Yes! Topped off by 22 live coding videos appearing on the computer
music journal DVD. Some of them linked from here:

This is a great overview showing off the diversity of the scene, and I
think in the end none of the videos were by people who were present at
the initial "changing grammars" meeting Julian hosted in 2004, so I
think demonstrates that we're more than a clique.

By the way this excellent documentary of powerbooks unplugged was
going to be included but was pushed out on a last-in-first-out basis
due to space restrictions:

There has been some great writing about live coding this year too,
including Nick's Live Coding of Consequence and Thor's Confessions of
a Live Coder.

And of course live coding language development has continued apace,
Overtone and Extempore spring to mind as in the ascendency in 2011,
plus SuperCollider got its book finally, what else?

Also last month I happily passed my PhD viva with minor corrections,
including some of the research into live coding languages I've been
doing, will make the written thesis available just as soon as I get my
corrections accepted...

Predictions for 2012? More uptake of live coding nomenclature in
commercial software development, with some associated misunderstanding
and confusion. More collaborations between live coders and other
practitioners. Stranger forays into visual, gestural and tangible
live languages, including on those tablet devices. Hopefully one of
the live coding related research funding applications I've been
involved with will come off too...

Happy new year all!


Received on Sat Dec 31 2011 - 18:09:53 GMT

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