Re: [livecode] sc140

From: Kassen <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 15:43:50 +0100


He he! You need to modernise.
Well, back when that game started nobody knew about Twitter. 80 characters
seemed like a good standard for a line-length that's independent of screen
resolution, etc. I found it a good length to make expressing a single idea
hard enough to make it take a evening to squeeze it in.

> There are some really good ones there though.

Oh, yes, and quality syntax abuse as well! The main focus in those seems to
make a single sound that evolves. Listening to the sc version now those seem
to focus more on the interplay between two sounds, which makes sense as 140
is almost twice as much as 80. Sc is probably a bit more compact, most of
the time, and you could re-use some code between the sounds so that makes
perfect sense.

> Looking forward to some Chuck tweets
Here we go;

I'll make a list post as well.

Were any rules beyond code-length used? Do Tweet labels/tags go at the
expense of code length?

Received on Tue Oct 27 2009 - 14:44:04 GMT

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