[livecode] conference - some details

From: alex <alex_at_slab.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 22:30:49 +0000

Hi all,

So I met with Jim at access space in Sheffield. He's been working hard
and now has some good funding, and I think we can make this a great

We're still to settle on a date... Please send your preferences to the
list or add to the wiki.

June 28-July 1st is currently looking a favourite...


A hypothetical sketch of the event could be;

Thursday - gig in London, music + video performances into the night

Friday - travel to Sheffield in the morning, settle in then maybe have
   some workshop time and a dinner together

Saturday - Symposium, some shortish presentations followed by more

Sunday - walking? There's some beautiful must-see countryside around
   Sheffield including probably the best climbing in the UK... And
   goodbyes + travel back

What do people think about the London event? If people are travelling
far then more travelling from London to Sheffield might be a bit too
much. In any case I think the symposium and performances in Sheffield
should be the focus. Any thoughts on this?


There will be a limited travel bursary that people can apply for. There
will also be commissions to contribute towards developing new ways of
performance/some new software/new track/combination of above.

The biggest commission will I think be £1000 (1485 euros), with others
around £300 (445 euros). This part is not fully worked out but
personally I'd like this to not be too much like a competition.


We also discussed making a print-on-demand publication of short papers
given during the symposium, done in advance so we can have copies during
the event. It could include a collection of our various previous
writings on livecoding as well as the papers written for the symposium.



Received on Mon Feb 19 2007 - 22:31:26 GMT

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