Re: [livecode] language for conversational computing

From: Julian Rohrhuber <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 00:07:34 +0200

>The Language for Conversational Computing (LCC) sounds interesting:
>"The statement syntax of LCC stems from that of Algol 60 and JOSS, but
>LCC has been designed to exploit as fully as possible the dynamic nature
>of conversational computing. Thus LCC is a fully interpretive system
>with extensive features for conversational control and with capabilities
>for dynamic block structure, block expressions, and recursion,
>interspersed editing and execution (use of program text as data and vice
>versa), dynamic variable attributes, and interlaced program execution
>and creation (program-directed program preparation). The complete LCC
>syntax and a sample conversation are included."
>Will look it up properly next time I'm in the library. Maybe there are
>others like this (like JOSS), we could build a timeline of them on the

that sounds very interesting. what makes this language more
conversational than others?
Received on Wed Sep 20 2006 - 22:07:58 BST

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