Re: [livecode] modes of livecoding

From: Julian Rohrhuber <>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 15:48:36 +0200

Hi Alex,

this is a good line of thought. The incremental process of livecoding
really is what makes it an act of public reasoning.

I think what comes up here is the notion of a "livecoding piece". The
nice thing about a piece is that it can be played by many different
people, each time different and in its own way special. I would
suggest that a livecoding piece is a piece of code, together with a
number of simple rules what to do, much like a fluxus piece or a
conceptual artwork. At times the code can be absent, or the rules can
be. In a private interactive programming session, I often start from
scratch, but there is no reason why not to start with a piece of code
when doing a performance. Excuse the comparison, but it might be a
good show to build a guitar on stage and then play a song on it, but
it is by no means the only possible way to do a guitar concert.

// an overly simple example (a bit dramatic nowadays, maybe, but well.)
a = [];
f = {|freq|
        a = a.addFirst ({ * * 0.01 }.play);
        a = a[0..10];

// start an egg timer
// think of a random number between 40 and 20000.
// wait a bit

f.( your number )

// repeat this process until egg timer rings.

Received on Sun Sep 10 2006 - 13:49:02 BST

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