Re: [livecode] book

From: Andrew Brown <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 11:46:02 +1000

Hi Folks,

I think there is some merit in a live coding book, but unification of
content will be demanding.

On 28/08/2006, at 6:51 AM, douglas edric stanley wrote:

> There was a very inspiring book a few years back by Friends of Ed
> called 4x4 Generative Design. Many a student wore the binding down
> on that one until it was just leaflets. You probably all know of it
> as Adrian Ward was one of the authors, but it was a sort of
> specialist book, probably not very known outside of this list and
> their ilk. In a similar vein, a couple different artists showed
> their methods, each in his own chapter, then did a mashup at the
> end of the book.

I think Friends of Ed would be a good publisher to approach. A model
is the "Flash Math Creativity" book they publish. Where many
contributors explain and show a few illustrated coding tricks. A
format for pseudo code could be agreed upon as well as "real" code in
what ever language each author preferred. Another complication is
audio! These books work well for graphics but less well for sound so
it would need to come with a CD in my view and there would need to be
a way to visualise the music - piano roll, wave forms etc.. to
provide some visual interest.

And someone (or a small group) have to edit it :)


Andrew Brown
Received on Mon Aug 28 2006 - 01:46:25 BST

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