Re: [livecode] Hyperyarn: a conceptual artware overcoded in 20 minutes during ISEA2006 by criticalartware + friends

From: douglas edric stanley <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 15:21:38 -0700

Howdy y'all. I'm at ISEA and the 20 minutes came
and went. I couldn't find anything at the RE:MOTE
area area, nothing online. Ho hum + Shrug. The
project sounds cool, I was hoping to check it
out. Let me know if there's something I missed.

>Hyperyarn, a conceptual artware, will be
>overcoded by criticalartware core.developers in
>20 minutes during ISEA2006!
>criticalartware core.developers based in Chicago
>IL .US are participating in ISEA2006 in San Jose
>CA .US via the re:mote program curated by Adam
>Hyde with an 'overcoded'
>[presentation/performance]. join criticalartware
>to collaboratively overcode the Open Source
>Hyperyarn artware application during this 20
>minute artware development session:
>[+/or] just view the source tree grow as script
>kittens get stuck climbing in these branching
>Enjoy extreme programming style collaborative
>codeworking, discursive hyperactivity + deeply
>self-referential intertwingularity in this
>experimental Multi-Protocol Realtime
>Communication Client Server Application + Live
>Coding Environment!
>Hyperyarn will be overcoded on FRI 2006.08.11 _at_
>3 PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) if you are in
>San Jose CA .US [+/or] 5 PM (Central Daylight
>Time) if you are in Chicago IL .US [+/or] 958
>Internet Time if you are onLine [+/or] 22:00:00
>UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) [+/or] GMT
>(Greenwich Mean Time) everywarez...
>Hyperyarn: A Multi-Protocol Realtime
>Communication Client Server Application + Live
>Coding Environment
>Hyperyarn is a conceptual artware project by
>criticalartware functioning as an Open Source
>experimental Multi-Protocol Realtime
>Communication Client Server Application + Live
>Coding Environment. Inspired by + intertwingled
>with Ted Nelson's Xanadu system + Marcel
>Duchamp's Mile of String project, Hyperyarn
>hopes to entangle script kitties in playful
>games of pseudo-codes, self-recursive systems,
>extreme programming, realtime data processing +
>collaborative exchange. Enabling +
>decentralizing discourse, Hyperyarn facilitates
>realtime communication on a distributed network
>between client/server applications. These
>applications, otherwise known as criticalartware
>core.developers, will collectively improvise
>live codework, discursive hyperactivity +
>extreme programming of Open Source artware
>systems. criticalartware presents Hyperyarn
>within the ISEA2006 re:mote program during
>criticalartware's "overcoded: live codework,
>artware discussion + hyperweaving session"
>[performance/presentation]. As a Live Coding
>Environment, Hyperyarn includes a self-modifying
>source code editor, compiler, virtual machine +
>debugger with network support for collaborative
>+ performative programming projects. Hyperyarn
>is written in Hyperyarn to increase
>self-reflexivity + recursiveness. Allowing users
>to connect through insecure proxies during live
>coding sessions, Hyperyarn further complicates +
>problematizes assumptions + foregrounds
>conceptual artware instability, temporality +
>speculativity. Hyperyarn provides cross platform
>support for human computers, computational
>systems + mobile devices + is released under the
>Hyperyarn: A Multi-Protocol Realtime
>Communication Client Server Application + Live
>Coding Environment
>// start coding: 2006.08.11 13:00 PM CST
>// end coding: 2006.08.11 13:20 PM CST
>Hyperyarn is a conceptual artware project by
>criticalartware functioning as an Open Source
>experimental Multi-Protocol Realtime
>Communication Client Server Application + Live
>Coding Environment. Hyperyarn is inspired by +
>intertwingled with ideas such as Ted Nelson's
>speculative Xanadu systems + Marcel Duchamp's
>Mile of String project. Hyperyarn hopes to
>variously entangle script kitties across
>multiple interwoven {ports|paths} including
>, _arc.hive_, + other ports
>in playful pseudo-codes, self-recursive systems,
>extreme programming, realtime data processing +
>collaborative exchange. Enabling +
>decentralizing discourse, Hyperyarn facilitates
>realtime communication on a distributed network
>between client/server applications. These
>applications, otherwise known as criticalartware
>core.developers, will utilize Hyperyarn's
>encrypted modes (including 1337 speak, artspeak,
>Jargon Files, critical discourse + Hyperyarn
>source codes) to collectively improvise live
>codework, discursive hyperactivity + extreme
>programming of Open Source artware systems. As a
>conceptual artware project, Hyperyarn is
>{actualized|activated} through the process of
>it's own articulation + documentation of the
>conversational exchanges that constitute this
>open artware system.
>criticalartware presents Hyperyarn within the
>ISEA2006 re:mote program during
>criticalartware's "overcoded: live codework,
>artware discussion + hyperweaving session"
>[performance/presentation]. during "overcoded"
>criticalartware core.developers engage multiple
>discursive modalities simultaneously in an open
>cacophonious jam, improvising collaborative
>strategies of live codework, discursive
>hyperactivity, open artware development +
>extreme programming. this sessioning of
>theorypractices will crease, expand, infold,
>encode + translate variously interwoven
>[hacker/cracker] cultures to interrogate the
>elitism of "leet speek" as artspeak + artworld
>flirtations with naive outsider status in the
>formation of marketable artistic identities
>while pouring a warm bowl of welcoming milk for
>would be script kittens across distributed
>ports, applications + platforms. those who login
>to these conversational networks will
>{play|participate} in performative social
>constructions, commenting up contingent pseudo
>codes of temporary artware systems (i.e.
>Hyperyarn) + exploit scripts, criss-cross +
>cross-post on networks of meaning, bounce
>messages like balls of unspooling Hyperyarn +
>install online entanglements with a Duchampian
>Mile of String during ISEA 2006.
>As a Live Coding Environment, Hyperyarn includes
>a self-modifying source code editor, compiler,
>virtual machine + debugger with network support
>for collaborative + performative programming
>projects. Hyperyarn seeks to maintain strict
>Toplap compliancy as a Live Coding Environment
>by positioning Coding as a Conceptual Act of
>Social Artware. Congruent with strict Toplap
>compliancy standards, Hyperyans offers
>developers a conceptual coding environment to
>perform realtime artware development +
>[hacker/cracker/coder/artist/script kitty]
>identity constructions in realtime edge to edge
>autonmy + interdependence. Hyperyarn is written
>in Hyperyarn to increase self-reflexivity +
>recursiveness. Hyperyarn allows users to connect
>through insecure proxies during live coding
>sessions to further complicate + problematize
>assumptions + foreground conceptual artware
>instability, temporality + speculativity.
>Hyperyarn provides cross platform support for
>human computers, computational systems + mobile
>devices + is released under the GNU GPL.
>// begin recursion: 2006.08.11 13:00 PM CST
>// end recursion: ERROR: too much recursion

// Douglas Edric Stanley
// Artiste
// Professeur d'Arts numeriques, L'école supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-provence
// Chercheur, Laboratoire Esthétique de l'interactivité, Université de Paris 8
Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 22:22:22 BST

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