[livecode] NETMAGE 05 -international live-media festival - Bologna -27>29 January 05

From: info <info_at_netmage.it>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 13:12:56 -0700

Xing and 'Made and Played on --> TDK'
creative and innovative images on art, media, communication
international festival
5th edition

Bologna, 27th-29th January 2005

>>From the 27th to the 29th January 2005, during Arte Fiera, the city of Bologna
will host the fifth edition of Netmage, an international festival aimed to
explore media innovation within the context of electronic arts.

Netmage 05, focusing on multi-media design, live media acts (sound and
images played live) and cutting-edge styling, will work as a meeting point
for multi-media artists, vjs, musicians, performers from all over Europe,
USA, Russia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The festival, spread in different locations throughout the city (Auditorium
Teatro Manzoni, Cassero, Galleria Accursio), will include an International
Live Media Floor, electronic live-sets, installations, a series of events
featuring international guests performing live electronic music along with
an innovative use of images, and a series of afternoon workshops dedicated
to the presentation of labels and projects.

Following on with its investigation, Netmage 05 will present some of the
latest trends in live media. Together with a rigorous research on essential
aspects of perception and the intersection of visual and acoustic phenomena,
this edition of the festival will introduce forms of electronica with a
leaning towards photographic and cinematic fiction and - on the other hand -
works committed to ethical aspects and critical tension linked to the great
themes of globalization.
INTERNATIONAL LIVE MEDIA FLOOR: Bas van Koolwijk/Christian Toonk "RGB" (NL),
Patrik Fontana/Emeric Aelters/Pierre Yves Fave "Grenze" (F), Kristen_
/Mzweig "Lyder" (D), Greg Davis/Sébastien Roux/Mattia Casalegno "Grain Scape
1" (USA-F-I), Phil Niblock/Thomas Ankersmit "The Movement of People Working"
(USA-NL), Vincent Epplay/Antoine Schmitt "Display Pixel" (F), Anthony
Pateras/Robin Fox (Australia), Jen Morris/Marek Brandt "Organic Debris"
(Can-D), Jan Jelinek/Karl Kleim "La nouvelle poverté" (D).
MERIDIANA SPECIAL GUESTS: Pirandèlo (Claudio Sinatti/Mou Lips!) (I),
Monolake/Deadbeat "Atlantic Waves" (D-Can), Oren Ambarchi/Jon Wozencroft
(New Zealand-GB), Carlos Giffoni (USA), Ateleia (USA).
SPECIAL EVENTS and INSTALLATIONS: Staalplaat soundsystem "Yokomono" (NL),
Dmitry Gelfand /Evelina Domnitch "Camera Lucida" (Russia-USA).
WORKSHOPS: Staalplaat-Amsterdam, Antiopic - Usa, Transmediale club-Berlin.
Netmage festival was conceived and created by Xing, a cultural network based
in Bologna and Milan operating in Italy and abroad, with the purpouse of
planning, supporting and promoting products and events characterized by an
interdisciplinary approach toward the issues of contemporary culture.

Netmage 05 is supported by: Comune di Bologna, Provincia di Bologna, Regione
Emilia-Romagna. In collaboration with: Circolo Arcigay Il Cassero,
Goethe-Institut Mailand, Ambasciata d¹Olanda, Ambasciata del Canada,
ArteFiera. Media partners: Zeroedizioni, Parachute, Blow Up, Nero magazine,
Città Del Capo - Radio Metropolitana, Radio Città Fujiko.

Auditorium Teatro Manzoni, Via de' Monari 1/2
Cassero, Via Don Minzoni 18
Galleria Accursio, Piazza Nettuno

Netmage 05
c/o Raum Via Ca' Selvatica 4/d Bologna Italy
tel ++39.051.331099 info_at_netmage.it info_at_xing.it www.netmage.it


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