Re: AW: AW: [livecode] toplap at club transmediale

From: Nick Collins <>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 10:16:47 +0000

This is excellent, lots more time than I was anticipating.

The main systems in the workshop could be ChucK/jitlib, half day each,
that's an exciting lineup, and would make sense for participants
subscribing in advance. Would that be Ok with Julian/Alberto/Ge?

It's also possible of course that the day is touted as an 'Introduction to
Live Coding' and they also try out some other systems, but ChucK/SC would
seem to be the most accessible systems for obtaining in advance and
continuing with afterwards- many other things are more personal custom
approaches, whilst these are cross platform and designed for end-users.

We also have this hour of presentation before the jam to present/discuss
lots of systems and not necessarily have to teach them. And there is no
reason why there can't be further small demoes as bonus material for the
workshop. I guess Ge/Julian should make a proposal about how they'd like to
run half day events.

It looks like we should have the funds required to get Amy and Ge across
and grab some extra European travel, I don't see a problem with
transmediale funding 2 Uk people, they'll indirectly fund more (I already
said I was happy to pay for myself to come across if necessary).

The program looks exciting.

Alex, did you e-mail Jan back yet to say thanks/yes? I can do so if you

--On Tuesday, December 7, 2004 10:05 pm +0000 alex <> wrote:

> This sounds really good. Somehow I didn't anticipate the 600 euro fee,
> that will be handy! It seems fairest to put the 600 euros into the
> collective travel pot. We need to look over the finances again, but
> this is starting to look good. Please continue looking for funding
> though Amy and Ge, the next job is to try to get Craig over, and pay for
> a TOPLAP dinner...
> How do people feel about the full day workshop? I'm only worried about
> the lack of continuity but with so many people around to show their
> stuff...
> Down sides that I see from a first reading... Only two people from the
> UK, but I guess that is the best offer they can make, we asked if they
> could stretch it to three. It doesn't mention festival passes - we
> should ask if we can have passes for all of us. Is there anything I've
> missed?
> How does this programme look?
> Friday - Transmediale starts, some people arrive, go and party at club
> transmediale
> Saturday - Everyone else arrives, maybe a TOPLAP dinner and planning,
> then more partying
> Sunday - Presentation led by Amy (mini panel style) and live jam at club
> transmediale
> Monday - workshop at transmediale (Haus der Kulturen der Welt), perhaps
> half led by Ge and the other half led by Julian?
> Tuesday - possible participation in a panel session with one person from
> TOPLAP, then evening performances at c-base
> Wednesday - Go home
> Exciting!
Received on Wed Dec 08 2004 - 10:18:40 GMT

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