Re: AW: AW: [livecode] toplap at club transmediale

From: alex <>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 10:55:31 +0000

On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 10:16 +0000, Nick Collins wrote:
> The main systems in the workshop could be ChucK/jitlib, half day each,
> that's an exciting lineup, and would make sense for participants
> subscribing in advance. Would that be Ok with Julian/Alberto/Ge?
> It's also possible of course that the day is touted as an 'Introduction to
> Live Coding' and they also try out some other systems, but ChucK/SC would
> seem to be the most accessible systems for obtaining in advance and
> continuing with afterwards- many other things are more personal custom
> approaches, whilst these are cross platform and designed for end-users.

We proposed that Ge should lead the first half of the workshop. It
would be great if Julian and Alberto do the same with the second half of
the day. I don't think we should focus solely on these two though.

I don't think a hands-on workshop would work, there is not enough time
to learn a system and requiring that people install the system before
the workshop starts would be disruptive, especially with people coming
and going throughout. Also remember that we need to be open to both
programmers and non-programmers, and we have up to eleven people coming
over, and it would be nice to involve them all. If we don't, then we
could lose the chance to get everyone festival passes.

The proposed title is:
"Introducing ChucK,, fluxus, jitlib, noisepattern,
PureEvents, redFrik and The Thingee towards Live Algorithm Performance"

I think we should keep this proposal.

So I would say, 30-40 minute presentations by the workshop leaders,
followed by a series of 15-20 minute presentations by everyone else.
Then there can be a non-disruptive install-a-thon with a bit of

> Alex, did you e-mail Jan back yet to say thanks/yes? I can do so if you
> want...

Yes I did, and asked for a bit of clarification, will forward his reply.


alex <>
Received on Wed Dec 08 2004 - 10:56:37 GMT

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