[livecode] proposal

From: alex <alex_at_slab.org>
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 19:36:32 +0000

How about something like this for transmediale?

TOPLAP at transmediale

* Fredik Olofsson (berlin)
* Kristjan Varnik (berlin)
* Julian Rohrhuber (de)
* Alberto de Campo (de)
* Nick Collins (uk)
* Dave Griffiths (uk)
* Ade Ward (uk)
* Alex McLean (uk)
* Amy Alexander (us)
* Ge Wang (us)

30-40 minutes TOPLAP live coding jam

Lots of TOPLAP musicians and VJs taking turns to jam together.

Requirements: As many data projectors as possible! Amy could bring a
'video jockey' to switch between performers, operated by whoever isn't

Talk / Panel
A talk about the history, motivations and members of TOPLAP, with a
short demo. If there is time available it could result in a panel
disucssion with several TOPLAP members.

"Introducing ChucK, feedback.pl, fluxus, jitlib, noisepattern,
PureEvents, redFrik and The Thingy towards Live Algorithm Performance"
Introductory tours around a range of live coding systems, with audience
Received on Sun Dec 05 2004 - 19:37:00 GMT

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