[livecode] chuck- : an on-the-fly release

From: Ge Wang <gewang_at_CS.Princeton.EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 22:44:54 -0400

Dear All,

We usually only announce new releases of ChucK on the
ChucK mailing list. This one may also be of interest here.
chuck- has a quite a few live coding enhancements,
including chucking source over the network to shared VM
and have them run with precise timing. I realize many of
the features are present in many other systems, but it's a
big step for little ChucK. Also, the way it's done is special
to the timing and on-the-fly properties of ChucK. I encourage
those who haven't tried ChucK to give it a whirl.


As always, we look forward to your comments/suggestions/
and complaints.


blurb from the release:
chuck- is released.  Most of the focus in this is on
improving on-the-fly programming.  You can, for example:
      - start server on host A
            > chuck --loop
            > chuck --loop --port8888
      - add shreds to A from B
            > chuck _at_A + foo.ck bar.ck
      - perform all the on-the-fly commands remotely
      - have multiple ChucKists share the same VM
        (and therefore same time-space)
also, we now examples that show how synchronize
on-the-fly shreds to time (see otf_*.ck in examples/).
executables for Windows and OS X.3 are up too.
--- - 2004.10.15
   - on-the-fly chuck files to remote hosts!
     > chuck _at_hostname + foo.ck
     > chuck _at_hostname -p<N> + foo.ck
   - TCP replacing UDP for commands
   - endian observed (mac <-> win32/linux)
   - more sensible VM output for on-the-fly commands
   - many on-the-fly bug fixes
   - --replace: new shred inherits the replaced shred id
     (useful to keep track of shreds in VM)
   - sndbuf automatically set .rate to 1.0 (instead of 0.0)
     (0.0 => buf.rate if no play on next time advance)
   - new on-the-fly examples
new examples:
   - otf_*.ck - illustrates precise on-the-fly timing
     (adapted from Perry's ChucK drumming + Ge's sine poops)
     chuck them one by one into the VM:
       terminal 1%> chuck --loop
       terminal 2%> chuck + otf_01.ck
       terminal 2%> chuck + otf_02.ck
       (repeat through otf_07.ck)
       (remove, replace and add your own)
(NOTE: since otf_*.ck loads files from relative path data/
the listener VM (local or remote) must be started from a
location that can access the correct files - we hope to
fix this in the future - nonetheless, the otf_*.ck are worth
fiddling with)
HappY ChucKing!
Received on Thu Oct 21 2004 - 02:39:27 BST

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