Re: [livecode] Re: toplap proposal for dosensos

From: Julian Rohrhuber <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 17:25:24 +0200

>On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 09:02:41 +0100, Nick Collins wrote
>> it sounds like a jam to me.
>> But can you alter the mathematics of the scale system live? That's
>> what I'll be doing if you're just going to use scala as a MIDI database...
>no, but sort of yes - I've tried to write a description of this several times
>and failed, so I'll resort to bad ascii art.
>note information from melody
> |
> | interval set by user
> \/
>| scale quantiser | <---- uses scala descriptions
>| | |
>| | | this box is optional
>| \/ |
>| scale filtering |
> |
> |
> \/
>out to synth/sampler etc
>the scale filtering allows you to exclude certain notes from the octave. It
>should be apparent at this point that I know sod all about music theory, and
>that filtering notes is a complete hack, but there you go :)

that seems quite ok. I guess you can use an array of floating point
numbers as scale, so you are quite free. All the rest can actually
happen a level higher,
so the filter should maybe be there.

>the cool thing is that I've dumped midi, so I can specify frequencies with
>note events to my sampler and synth via osc.
>on another note (and I'm aware this is getting a bit long and technical) I've
>finally also got the sequencer and sampler apps to pass timestamped events
>through osc in ntp format, and the sampler stacks them up to act on in time.
>so if/when we figure out a toplap standard syncronisation standard, I might be
>able to use it somehow :)
>perhaps I should just use ChucK or supercollider...

it is great that we have a habitat with several systems.
I'm looking forward to see you using it (apart from on video..)
Received on Wed Sep 15 2004 - 15:26:30 BST

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