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livecoding with din

din has an integrated Tcl/Tk interpreter for livecoding sound and gui. Tcl/Tk is a convenient choice for livecoding in din because din commands have the form: command_name ?arg ?arg ?arg which is the same as a Tcl/Tk command.

an example: set code1 {set_bpm fm $v; set_bpm gate-l $v; set_bpm gate-r $v} ;# to change FM bpm and gater bpm. set code2 {key $v} ;# changes the key of din. set code3 {set_delay all feedback [expr $v/100.0]} ;# changes feedback of L and R delay lines # set_bpm, key and set_delay are built-in din commands. set code $code1 # slider handler proc slide {code v} { eval $code } # we will control this with a simple Tk based slider package require Tk; scale .s -from 0 -to 240 -command {slide $code} ;# slider changes bpm of FM and gaters from 0 to 240. grid .s ;# packs into Tk window and displays on screen # other possibilities # to change key of din set code $code2 .s configure -from 261 -to [expr 4*261] ;# slider range from middle C to 2 octaves above middle-C # to change feedback on all delays set code $code3 .s configure -from 0 -to 100 ;# slider range from 0 to 100