[livecode] Re: Future distributed ICLC?

From: Alex McLean <alex_at_slab.org>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 08:57:16 +0100

On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 at 18:04, Mauro <lavaramano_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> probably Norah Lorway was talking about something else, but i've been
> feeling like this about "the livecoding scene": same thing over and
> over again.

I don't know what Norah was talking about either with her subtweet,
could be me, in which case let me say I'm very keen to put on events
showcasing new acts and/or that make new connections. If someone wants
to collaborate or is on tour, please send me stuff! There is often
funding I can help secure, e.g. I'm hosting an amazing artist from
Bolivia next week.

> what i'm trying to say is: "the livecoding scene" feels european and
> perhaps north-american, and that's it. sure, i could celebrate ICLC in
> Arg, but why would i bother doing that when I could just simply do it
> any day.

There's an amazing scene in Japan too, and from afar the South
American scene looks super exciting and vibrant.

> if you're thinking in making the conf accesible think about moving the
> conf to other places outside the places mentioned above.

There weren't any applications to host ICLC outside of Europe last
time, the steering committee encouraged people to apply, but hosting
ICLC is not an easy or profitable thing to take on, so it's difficult.
It has taken place in Canada and Mexico though, and Jesus and the team
in Madrid made amazing efforts to connect with the Latin American
scene last time, and this contribution felt essential. As Joanne's
experience also reflects, the contributions from Latin America seemed
to have deeper cultural and political aspects than many of the others.

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Received on Wed May 01 2019 - 07:59:32 BST

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