[livecode] Re: Future distributed ICLC?

From: Alex McLean <alex_at_slab.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 19:16:38 +0100

Hi all,

I just wanted to clarify a few important points:

ICLC 2020 will take place in Limerick, Ireland, and I very much hope
to be there and to meet as many of you good people there as possible!
I'm sure Giuseppe and the team have all of our deep thanks for taking
on this mammoth task.

ICLC only takes place if a local committee takes on the job of
organising it. The steering committee only really exists to make a
call for proposals and decide where it should go next.

Any proposal for future ICLCs would be considered by the steering
committee, and wouldn't be acted upon until 2021 at the earliest. The
call is open until 10th June.



On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 at 18:32, <scott_at_fradkin.com> wrote:
> I'm wondering if it's going to cause more of a problem to bring environmental aspects into this? Yeah, maybe certain modes of travel are bad for the environment, but there's only so many ways to travel long distances.
> Perhaps the real crux of the problem is one of accessibility. From where I live in the US it's fairly expensive to travel no matter where I'm going. I travel every 6 weeks for work and it's pretty appalling how expensive it is to take a 2 hour flight. Not counting in the flight costs, the cost of a room somewhere can be rather expensive as well. Then you have to add in food. So, the costs do add up.
> So, part of the issue is funding. Part of the issue is probably time away from work and family.
> I'm not sure I have any good answers to this, but some other ideas could be:
> - Multiple smaller conferences each year with a larger conference every couple years
> - More help to develop regional live coding scenes
> - Help with technology to allow easier sharing of streaming
> - Help with funding for travel/lodging
> - Help with giving people options to be able to bring family on travel (funding, lodging, child care, etc)
> - ?????
> This isn't an easy problem to solve for certain.
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