Re: [livecode] live coding

From: nescivi <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 10:38:09 +0100


after wondering why there were so many new emails in my livecode folder, I
checked it out, and found that everyone was introducing himself (am I right in
seeing that it's only men thus far who have introduced themselves?).

I'm Marije, based in Amsterdam, after some years of living abroad in Berlin
and Montreal.

I'm using SuperCollider for most of the things I do, occasionally some Python
or C++ comes in, or some programming of microcontrollers.

Livecoding to me is partly a very valuable skill during rehearsal times for
interactive works, for being able to quickly try out new concepts and control
mechanisms for the interactions between sensor data and sound output (or other
outputs, they may include vibration, light, heat, movement...).
In a sense this comes closes to the really coding, or setting up programmatic
relationships between things - on the fly.

Livecoding as a performance on its own...

I have been "touring" at irregular intervals with the piece Code LiveCode Live
for some years now; Kassen inspired me to do this, after he invited me to do a
livecoding performance. I set about to think about what would make it really
worthwhile to be typing the code live, and decided to limit myself to
manipulating the sound of the internal microphone of my laptop.
As such, the piece has become a kind of structured improvisation that is being
livecoded during the performance. The structure is in my head, and based on
the rehearsals I've done, but what I actually end up doing is somewhat
dependent on the moment. But certain elements return each time.

Otherwise, I can see several tensions...
- how is typing up how Unit Generators interact different than patching cords
on an analog synth?
- how is changing parameters through a text interface different than using

Programming tends to be more a strategy to find a solution to a problem and
gradually abstract that more and more; at least, if I'm not livecoding, it
tends to be that way. I formulate the problem, come with some easy solutions,
and then more and more I build a framework for dealing with that problem.

In a sense I find this still hard to match with making something interesting
to listen to at the same time.

I guess the tension I see can be formulated as:
Where is the borderline between making music (or visuals, or whatever) between
using (text-based) code as interface and live programming (in order not to use
the word "livecode").
How does this relate to improvisation (it seems a few examples shown from
Click and others, seem quite inspired by '60s/'70s improvisation schemes)?


On Tuesday 15 February 2011 15:47:59 alex wrote:
> Hi all,
> This mailing list has been going since early 2004. It started off
> with a lively discussion, but has been rather quiet lately in recent
> years, apart from project and event announcements (so it's not as if
> live coding isn't happening). The mailing list software reports 290
> members, so I'm guessing there are a lot of lurkers.
> So, I think it's time to break the ice that's formed, and to entice
> some lurkers out and broaden the discussion. So please hit reply and
> introduce yourself, and state your interest in live coding.
> I'll do it too, but someone else go first!
> alex
Received on Thu Feb 17 2011 - 09:59:58 GMT

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