[livecode] Application for TOPLAP seal of approval.

From: Kassen <signal.automatique_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:51:57 +0200

Dear list,

Somewhere late September In The Hague (NL) there will be the Today's Art
Festival. I just noticed my suggestion to open my label's evening with a
livecoding set has been approved. So; considering the website says I can yet
I have little idea of what this actually means I'd like to apply for a
TOPLAP "approval and seal".

The proformance will consist of me programming in the MiniAudicle ChucK
editor, boradcasting sound and code through a PA and a beamer. I think there
is roughly a hour assigned to me which I will most likely structure in three
movements; "Infrastructure design" (10 or so minutes) "musical buildup" (10
or so minutes) "Disaster management, pretending I meant it that way and
averting crashes" (40 minutes), perhaps I will compose/perform two such
cycles, depending on how well the "crash aversion" element turns out.

No backup will be used, aside possibly from the tradtional ChucKian
technique of "blaming Ge". I do believe there is a sold chance of "public
thought", seeing as how I'm on at the beginning of the night, meaning there
will be little opportunity to spend drink-tickets before my set.

So.. that's my application, now what?

Received on Sun Jul 27 2008 - 21:53:58 BST

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