Re: [livecode] new members

From: Sylvain <>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 21:08:58 +0200

Hi Everyone,

I am a new member too, so I guess I should introduce myself. Concerning
my relationship with music and more particulary electronic music : I
played the piano for almost ten years in my early age, and am trying to
practice back now after a long stop. I began playing electronic about 5
years ago, after buying an hardware sampler, I then began being
attracted by software, that I intensitvely try to have a whole look at.
I thus in chronologial order tried Cubase, Frooty loops, Reason,
Max/MSP, Pure Data, Supercollider, Chuck ... naming only the main ones.
After having a laptop stolen about 6 months ago with about 2 years work
on it, I decided to adopt a relatively more radical attitude, I indeed
now compose exclusively with free/open software mostly Pd and SC3 (in
order to be able to retrieve back my work on any computer). My attitude
goes further as after some debate that took place in France about open
software licences and peer to peer soft, I decided that the music that I
make should be released freely for everyone, as I believe that musicians
should only be paid for the performances they make, renewing with the
old age of music (when no recording was available) where musicians were
only able to make a living by giving "concerts" in order to sensitize
people with the fact that releasing albums is not a goal. This is also
highly justified by the fact that, even if I am using this kind of soft
for a while (about 1 year), I didn't really produce any tools for the
community (I would like to, but not enough code trained for the moment)
So, with respect for the very important people ;) that made it, I would
prefer to try making these tools get knowed by most than trying to claim
that I make all this music on my own, that I build my own music
software, blah, blah ... Artistically speaking, I am also very attracted
by getting the most out of the hardware. Because if we are here speaking
about software, and its paradigm, I think that we should never forget
that to run, it has to rely on very different types of hardware. So, I
am trying, as far as I can, to reach the boundaries of it, loving when
it acts in such an erratic way. I overall like to surprise the audience
by unexpected sounds, getting it away from the "I IV V I" scheme.
I am actualy a PhD student working on gestural control of speech
synthesis, so I am highly concerned about the way to control the music
produced by computers and also about the use of voices in my music. By
the way, I would love to be able to integrate what I do in my Phd into
my music, but have yet to work further for achieving it.
Anyhow, if you'd like to listen to a recent example of the music that I
make you can download a song here : . I know
myspace is surely not the best way for this, but was actually the
fastest and cheapest way to do it (as I am quite lazy...). I also join
the code used fot it (in lyrics part), made of parts of Synthdefs and
routines picked up in the examples of SC that I like most. This one is
made exclusively with SC3 and recorded live without any post treatment.
Don't hesitate to give me feedback on it.
Oh, I am also currently working with old friends of mine Vjs, try to set
up a more "classical" audiovisual performance. But, I of course totally
agree with the toplap motto, and think I'll have the possibility to
discuss more about that now on this list ...

To follow


alex a écrit :

>Hi all,
>For many months, the subscription process for this mailing list was
>broken. I've now fixed it, and found (hidden in a big haystack of spam)
>twenty one subscription requests.
>So we have some new members, please introduce yourselves - what are you
>livecoding and why? Or if you're not livecoding right now, why not?
Received on Sun Apr 16 2006 - 19:09:13 BST

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