Re: [livecode] technical riders for club transmediale 05 (fwd)

From: Julian Rohrhuber <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 16:18:05 +0100

>thanks amy, looks good- just one q- why do we want the projection
>images to be superimposed? Shouldn't we take advantage of multiple
>projectors to separate out the information overload? Also avoids the
>white screen domination problem if one person is brighter.
>Unless you think only way to get size of text big enough is to have
>one large central viewing arena/ or the side by side juxtaposition
>would look weak.

I think it would be good to have at least some separation.
superimposing can be really beautiful, but it might be painful to
have to rely on it all the time.

what about multiple projections next to each other, but fairly small
(say 1.5m wide) and have sitting spaces around so people can
sometimes sit at one place for a while, sometimes at another? well
just an idea.
Received on Thu Jan 20 2005 - 15:20:03 GMT

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