Re: [livecode] Hello (& chaos)

From: Dave Griffiths <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 16:21:41 +0100

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 15:27:52 +0100, Tom Betts wrote
> Hi All,,
> Hey dave,
> I'm writing a system based on this kind of idea..
> basically it resembles a corewar style memory space with
> instructions of ASM style
> (but a little more verbose). Each mem line can hold 3 values which
> are read as a command with 2 variables.. it includes pointer based
> stuff and the ability to write/copy from one memory location to
> another.. You can implement corewar style 'battling' code fragments
> quite easily..

woahhh - that's what I'm talking about! :]

> Its all written in C++ with an OPengl interface and a
> text editor for the built in language. I'm still wrtiting in more
> command features and have to finish the save/load functions but its
> working out very welll.. If you'd like I can post a demo when its in
> a decent state (probably not till xmas) I showed alex a bit of it
> briefly in aarhus, but really it needs a lot more work done
> (especially drag/drop library routines etc)

I'd definately be interested in seeing this. So whats the OpenGL display - the
state of the registers and memory? Or do you have other instructions for
drawing to pixel data?
The thing I always found annoying with core wars, tierra and avida was that
it's really difficult to visualise whats going on. I guess it's difficult to
visualise a 1 dimensional memory space in a nice way.
I can imagine that you could get a lot out of the visualisation of the
internals of the VM though.

> I'm really into this sort of low level modular code writing and the
> resulting sonification of such algos..
> Its a sort of VM which has a sort of interpret phase but very fast..
> (Basically you can edit lines and then commit them)
> It only operates on a sample playback/manipulation basis at the
> moment, but i'm thinking of putting some synthesis stuff into it..
> But then I might just add an OSC/UDP library of commands and be able
> to use SC or PD etc for the real DSP stuff. Theres some great
> potential inthese sort of systems though, even if it can get a
> little crazy with lots of nasty pointer stuff.!

the nasty pointer stuff is where the potential is :)

Received on Fri Sep 10 2004 - 15:22:43 BST

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