[livecode] references

From: Julian Rohrhuber <rohrhuber_at_uni-hamburg.de>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 15:59:37 +0200

I am writing a proposal for a research project in which i reference
to live programming.

If you have references about interaction with programs using code,
preferably in the context of culture science and informatics, this
could help me a lot. Maybe there is something that hasn't been
mentioned yet, which would help me a lot.

I will refer to the active artists who contributing here and to the
sources that were mentioned in the last paper, but I am expected to
find more and older reseach papers if there are. If we are really so
original in our attempts, well that is good, but I guess we have more
precendants than the ones already mentioned.

best whishes,

Received on Fri May 28 2004 - 13:59:56 BST

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