Re: [livecode] finishing paper

From: Julian Rohrhuber <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 16:43:41 +0200

>Alex's section to sort, I love your spiel on from the
>list but please decide how you want it! (plus screenshot)
>manifesto signatories, feedback
>Any other discussion; you're all strangely quiet, I get worried...

I am very short of time and my eyes fall close every minute currently.
I would like to make additions, but I have no idea where this is productive.

for me I see a slight problem in the definition of the term live programming.
I have never thought that it is restricted to performance situations.
I wouldn't mind at all, as 'live coding' could be set against
'interactive programming' or such terms, but as our organisation is
dedicated to live programming, it does matter somehow. I think the
performer-audience separation as something I would try to break up by
live programming, and not reassure it.

Anyway, if you can give me a hint where additions to the paper is
welcome, please tell me.

Received on Thu May 27 2004 - 14:43:59 BST

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