[livecode] finishing paper

From: Nick Collins <nc272_at_cam.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 11:55:54 +0100

Ok, don't be madder still.

I drafted a finished paper, needs various revisions, checks, permissions
and discussion...

I added draft sections for Amy, Dave and Fredrik, who are also now paper
authors. I mentioned ChucK, Julian, Ade/slub, various SC people (tell me if
you think of anymore, J, F) in passing. I thought the new systems under
development and discussed on this list should be given prominence. A, D, F,
please check and approve and edit or whatever your sections; I've just
taken them from your mailings and done a tiny bit of punctuation and
editing, trying to preserve all the great character and excitement of those
posts. Obviously you're free to repudiate all this!


Alex's section to sort, I love your spiel on feedback.pl from the list but
please decide how you want it! (plus screenshot)

manifesto signatories, feedback

Any other discussion; you're all strangely quiet, I get worried...

This is already 24000 characters or so so the finished thing can't be much
bigger. Screenshots- choose one of yours AMy, Fredrik, have you got one?
Add something about your most recent redFrik SC3 system plus screenshot.

Received on Wed May 26 2004 - 10:58:10 BST

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