Re: [livecode] paper authors

From: Amy Alexander <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 16:56:12 -0700 (PDT)

oof, i've lost track of the thread already! but sure, i'm happy to
contribute if it can be useful.. your comment-weaving proposal sounds fine
to me if you don't mind, as i seem to be getting a wee bit behind on the
treadmill of things i've committed to get done. (in fact, the whim to
suddenly throw together a visual-livecoding thingee was born mostly out of
the fact that i was so burnt out on committments, my brain just had to go
into truancy mode for a while... come to think of it, most of my projects
have started that way. :-) )

if you'd like a screenshot, you could use some of the ones in ... the originals are in and are higher res.
i'll add more whenever i have a chance to work on this some more.

ok, thanks fer yer interest!


On Fri, 21 May 2004, Nick Collins wrote:

NC> I would encourage Amy to get involved- if you don't have time, I can try to
NC> work in your comments from this list without corrupting them and you could
NC> double check. It is great to have a visual live coding perspective, and
NC> you're challenging our assumptions; I particularly enjoyed the 20/5/04
NC> 2.26pm posting.
NC> I will make a draft attempt at describing some live coding projects soon,
NC> hoping to take in ChucK, the Hamburg symposium, Alex's new system, my draft
NC> setup and I hope Amy will write about hers too (you already did on this
NC> list so that can be quickly adapted, plus add a screenshot...). We can also
NC> attempt to link in further projects- fluxus etc. Dave, you didn't design
NC> this for performance and you haven't used this live, you're just claiming
NC> you could and would like to soon? : )
NC> Oh yes, and a manifesto draft- even if people don't have time to be
NC> contributing authors, they might like to be signatories...
NC> --On Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:30 pm +0100 alex <> wrote:
NC> >
NC> > Who is thinking of adding something to the read_me paper?
NC> >
NC> > Olga from read_me is asking for a list of authors urgently. Ade +
NC> > Julian - I guess you'll be adding something at some point? Anyone else?
NC> >
NC> > alex
NC> >
NC> >
Received on Fri May 21 2004 - 23:56:25 BST

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