[livecode] foo

From: alex <alex_at_state51.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 14:01:07 +0000


Amy joined us -- welcome Amy! Her participation is limited by her lack
of time, but that's probably true of all of us to some extent. We're
not under any time pressure anyway.

So lets go over what we might want to achieve...

1. Interesting discussions ...
2. ... somehow leading to a 'manifesto'
3. which could lead to some kind of tongue-in-cheek ratification of live
coding performances... In a similar way to how Dogme 95 works - a set
of rules, and films which follow the rules are officially deemed to be
Dogme 95 films

And personally, the ultimate aim for me would be to explore new ways of
performing with code. At the moment I work with code as musical
material while performing, starting and stopping various scripts,
tweaking parameters and sometimes interacting with it. This could very
loosely be termed 'live coding', but I don 't actually write code during
a performance, and I'd like to try.

Fredrik hit on some important questions earlier, which we haven't tried
to answer here yet...

On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 12:27, Fredrik Olofsson wrote:
> anyway, should we consider more graphical programming languages to be
> 'pure' live coding? is a syntax/ascii interface a requirement or is
> it more the way of working? what is significant for live coding
> then? where do we draw the line? some things to have in mind for the
> manifesto...

It patching programming?

James McCartney has something to say about this:

I think the answer has to be yes, but it's a different flavour of
programming from textual languages.

Luckily, Programming and Patching share the same initial letter so we
can interchange them (as you can see from the toplap wiki, the words
behind the TOPLAP acronym aren't fixed, amy).

Limiting ourselves to ASCII (or even UTF8) seems arbitrary. But we
don't necessarily want to let people contruct sequences in cubase and
call that live programming!

One idea we had was to have TOPLAP ratified programming languages and
programming methods, and a procedure that people would follow to get
their particular programming/performance environment ratified.


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Received on Sun Feb 22 2004 - 13:59:53 GMT

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