Re: [livecode] new game?

From: Laurens van der Wee <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 06:18:10 +0200

> > Let's try that.
> Great.

Do I need to try to arrange something?

> > I've been involved in Marcel's thing a couple of times and I
> feel that it's an excellent approach with one major drawback: if
> you don't do it very often, it's seductive to prepare and perform,
> hoping that you'll be better, rather than compete. So a (beforehand
> unknown) subject might force you to be really creative.
> Quite so... and preparing a "routine" (to borrow from turntablism)
> has the issue of there being a possibility that you do very badly
> if you somehow get knocked out of your plan.

That's what I meant, yes. I encountered those situations a few times.

> > Although I'd be more interested in the more abstract categories
> of the Pictionary game: to sonify 'American Civil War' or
> 'democracy' seem to be more interesting than 'car' or 'computer'.
> "war" seems like a hard enough thing. "revolution" might be fun too.
> > Secondly, and I'm not sure what to think of that, the audience
> will have a different frame of reference. They will judge you
> differently, since they have for sure a frame of reference.
> Yes, and this will also allow for more audience participation and
> perhaps highlight the advantages of livecoding as a versatile and
> improvised way of generating sound. With this game a program like
> Ableton would have little chance of competing.

Interesting point. (Finally I got my argument :-).)

> > Lastly, normally you really have to have the same tools,
> preparing subpatchers or equivalents are not allowed, all from
> scratch. In this case though, that might also become less
> important, especially since your not limiting yourself anymore to
> programming (environments).
> I agree, and that rule had issues anyway. It's hard to say what a
> "prepared sub-patch" is when we have a group of people that tend to
> use open source systems and contribute to those (which is without
> going into all of the people here who just created their own system/
> language).


> What might be a issue is variable names. If I have to sonify that
> civil war and I use "musket" as a variable name somewhere that
> would give a lot away.

On this I agree with Evan: use them consciously.

> Another interesting aspect is that with this game element it might
> provide a context to have livecoding on radio, or without
> projection as the whole game would be played on the sound level.
> That holds a lot of appeal to me too. In a way something like
> Guitar Hero isn't truly a "music game" as it could theoretically be
> played with the sound muted.

Nice. Would love to try that. Do you know about a radio station that
would like to try that?

> Yours,
> Kas.

Received on Sat Jul 24 2010 - 04:25:20 BST

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