Re: [livecode] google summer of code

From: Kassen <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 13:58:37 +0100


* Ge Wang / Kassen / ? - ChucK

I don't have any formal university ties though. I'd still be very happy to
comment and advice on how such a clock could interact with the rest of the
timing structures in ChucK. I don't think this would need be very hard or
introduce any new concepts but it does need some care as time and timing is
so fundamental to ChucK; we don't want any conflicts there.

Some might argue my lack of university ties don't matter as I'll end up
opening my big mouth about it anyway; for better or worse I tend to be quite
vocal where ChucK's syntax's consistency is concerned. So far they put up
with me :¬).

Princeton and Stanford do occasionally have students working on ChucK, I
don't think they need Google for that but here Google might make it nicer
for the student involved. I don't really have a opinion on that as it
doesn't really affect me.

Received on Thu Mar 05 2009 - 12:59:35 GMT

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