Re: [livecode] google summer of code

From: Kassen <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 14:05:19 +0100


In SC, beat length would be tempo (the duration in seconds that a beat
> takes), and the time the piece lasted so far is elapsedTime. There is also
> elapsedBeats, which is the beats so far. Therefore, this should be trivial
> to interrelate.

Ah! I didn't know that. That sounds close enough to our data types to be
functionally equivalent for this purpose. So that means synced LFO's and
scaling envelope durations will be fine where they are needed.

My main fear here was that we could end up with sync that would work but
where the perspectives on it would be so different that they would
complicate communication between musicians even while the computers would be
syncing. That would be sad; I still feel the syntax is there for us, not for
the computers.

Received on Thu Mar 05 2009 - 13:05:30 GMT

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