Re: [livecode] google summer of code

From: Julian Rohrhuber <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 12:56:58 +0100

>Netclock is implemented in a very supercollider manner, but I think
>you're right, it's general enough to implement different APIs to fit the
>various language flavours of time...
>It will need to be. PD might need (amongst other things, maybe) a
>object that sends one sort of pulse every beat and another every bar.
>ChucK might want this in the form of Events but might also want a
>way to poll the clock for beat length in "duration" as well as the
>time the piece lasted so far in type "time". Those last two wouldn't
>make much sense sense for PD but that doesn't matter as it would
>just be a different way of looking at the same clock.

In SC, beat length would be tempo (the duration in seconds that a
beat takes), and the time the piece lasted so far is elapsedTime.
There is also elapsedBeats, which is the beats so far. Therefore,
this should be trivial to interrelate.

Received on Thu Mar 05 2009 - 11:57:40 GMT

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