Re: [livecode] Kung-Foo Bar: Unconventional Interfaces for LiveCoding

From: AlgoMantra <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 06:23:16 +0530

> Just to add to this a little bit - I think I'm not completely off track
> in saying that computer music is sometimes criticised for being too
> cerebral. I think this can largely be blamed on the input method. None
> of this is particularly new, I think Eno was saying this ten years ago,
> "bring the muscles back to music" or something. Well maybe, ironically,
> livecoding makes it possible to use a computer as a computer (rather
> than a synthesiser in a different shaped box) and bring to a physical
> level with a suitable language and hardware?

The most obvious muscle oriented input method I know of is kung-fu
with motion capture and gesture recognition. So essentially, instead of
the user's finger dancing on the keyboard, it is he or she who dances
to input commands/data/code.

I have been toying with some other ideas - like using the GPS
trace of a cellphone adrift in a city. So in this case the walk of
a human being, his pattern of drifting becomes a way of slow
introspection and computing at the same time. In the case of the
Cellphabet project I used cell-tower ID tracing rather than GPS:

This can be used to produce music with a little ingenuity, and
lets say - 20 people walking the score.

I also think that the act of coding need not be so solitary and
confined. Perhaps an interface of the future would actually attempt
to intersperse the coding life with life outdoors - at the sidewalks!

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1/f ))) --.
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Received on Sun Jan 06 2008 - 00:55:20 GMT

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