Re: [livecode] more livecoding movies

From: alex <>
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 16:37:48 +0100

On Sat, 2007-04-07 at 12:08 +0100, dave wrote:
> It seems to me, from doing performances with various things (including
> al-jazari) that the clearer the code (in whatever form) the better the
> audience reaction.
> Also, maybe, livecoding with a visually over complex language is not too
> far away from not livecoding at all - i.e. it's just hiding behind
> something else, and somehow saying something worse - "you're not clever
> enough to understand this, but I am!".
> I worry a bit that that is how livecoding is percieved sometimes.

Yes agreed. As a livecoder it's difficult to win. Rather than annoy
non-programmers by presenting them with sourcecode that they don't
understand, slub has tended towards making the code deliberately
difficult to read - for example by projecting screens on top of one
another. But then the same people are probably annoyed by feeling that
they are missing something in a different way...

A third option is not projecting at all. This doesn't work if you're on
a stage (looks too boring and secretive), but works very well if you're
hidden away. I have fond memories of Ade and I playing from the back of
a room in Amsterdam, with a room full of people, many dancing, most of
them ignoring us. It felt a lot easier to gauge their reaction, a
better feedback loop really -- them just hearing and dancing, us
watching and playing.

Received on Sun Apr 08 2007 - 17:17:23 BST

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