Re: [livecode] live coding practice

From: Dave Griffiths <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 10:18:28 -0000 (GMT)

>> Well, other than performing (mainly with alex) lately,
> Can I be bold and ask how much practise you did before the shows Dave, as
> opposed to just hacking software in preparation? Do you feel you had an
> adequate amount of compositional practice beforehand, or that you were
> rushed, through all the other pressures of cutting edge computer research
> ?
> ; )


Well, if I'm doing fluxus livecoding - ie visuals to another performer
doing the audio, and if I am trying out a new approach then I try to do
maybe a hour or so a night for a couple of days before the gig. I'll have
a clear idea about the area I'm going to explore (recently, using the
fluxus turtle to procedurally deform a mesh, and apply vertex colouring
etc to the geometry)

If I'm performing betablocker, I do a bit more, but this is largely
paranoia making sure the latest versions of all the various bits of
underlying software is going to run ok. The actual betablocker virtual
machine code is much less predicable because it's rewriting itself all the
time, so I need to be more alert to read the code and see what's going on.
It's also harder to have a plan of what you're going to do.

I think it's hard to get practice right, because if you do too little
there is not enough "flow" and you can feel restricted in what are able to
try out live. You can do too much in the wrong way (concentrating writing
one type of program) and it becomes formulaic.

I think the approach you and Fredrik took was a good one as it was quite
general and exploratory. I'd like to try it out, but it was a little too
punishing for me :)


Received on Tue Jan 09 2007 - 10:19:06 GMT

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